May Day March & Rally!
We encourage everyone to join in this event being organized by the Vancouver & District Labour Council...
International Day of the Worker
One Movement - One World
Sunday, May 1
Gather 1 pm
Clark Park (13th & Commercial)
March 1:30 pm
Rally 2:30 to 3 pm
McSpadden Park (5th & Victoria)
Join with unions, community groups and individuals to march and call for the protection and advancement of workers' rights. Bring your banners & signs.
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=176916119024211
Mothers Day Pancake Breakfast - People's Voice Newspaper Fundraiser
Come join us fo r a delicious pancake breakfast on Sunday, May 8th, from 10 am - 1 pm. Last call for pancakes is noon.
All you can eat for $12.00 each. Kids under 12 are $8.00. Pancakes, sausages, and lots of other delicious breakfast goodies.
For information or directions, call (604) 294-6775.
All funds go to support the People's Voice newspaper - Canada's Communist Newspaper. http://www.peoplesvoice.ca/
Organize by the Burnaby Bolsheviks Club, Communist Party of Canada.
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=211002098927161&ref=mf
YCL Vancouver Meeting
Join us for our monthly meeting. May 2nd, 7pm, 706 Clark Dr.
Draft Agenda
Roll call
Previous minutes
Old Business
- We Are One Rally
- People Power Not War rally
- May Day march & rally
- Federal Election
Standing Items
Student movement
- Post Secondary
- High School
Peace & international solidarity
- Report and updates
Young workers movement
- Report and updates
Rebel Youth
- Subscriptions update
- Update on next issue
- Plan distribution
Culture & Agit-Prop
- Left Film Night
- Postering
New Business
- Summer Camp
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=141061995965223