1. Demand $10 NOW
The Vancouver & District Labour Council' Young Workers Committee is organizing a campaigning blitz at Oakridge Mall on Saturday, October 3rd at 1pm. The event is for the $10 NOW campaign which demands an immediate increase to $10/hour for the minimum wage, a subsequent increase to $11, indexing to inflation and abolition of the "training wage." They will be bringing their demands directly to the mall, where many employer who pay the minimum wage are, and most importantly to the workers at the mall who need this the most. We urge our members and friends to participate in this action.
Details: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=656850401&ref=profile#/event.php?eid=169708145378
2. YCL Discussion Group - Dialectical Materialism
Our next discussion group will be on dialectical materialism, led by Paul Bjarnason of the BC Committee of the Communist Party. It will be Wednesday, October 7th, 7pm at the Centre for Socialist Education (706 Clark Dr.)
Suggested reading: Materialism and the Dialectical Method by Maurice Cornforth. If you would like a .PDF copy of this material, please e-mail redstar@ycl-ljc.ca
Details: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=656850401&ref=profile#/event.php?eid=149267372237&ref=ts
3. Red Star Club Meeting
This months Red Star Club meeting will be held on October 17th at 5pm, before the Left Film Night. It will be at our office in the Centre for Socialist Education, 706 Clark Dr.
Here is the draft agenda:
Role Call/Membership
Minutes of September 12th
-Peace & International Solidarity (Honduras, WPF Youth Day, Fraser Valley Peace Council, Stopwar Youth etc.)
-Young Workers & Labour (Minimum Wage, On to Ottawa Trek, Wal Mart etc.)
- Student Movement (Campus work, new leaflets, etc.)
- Culture & Agit Prop (Left Film Night, new poster etc.)
- Pro-Choice demo
- Fundraising
- Silk Screening
- Any other business arising from minutes
- Central Convention
- YCL BC Convention
4. Left Film Night: Cocalero & Libertarias
Left Film Night presents a double feature on Saturday, Oct. 17:
(Director Alejandro Landes, 94 minutes, Argentina, 2007, English subtitles)
Starts 7:00 pm
A cocalero is a coca leaf grower from the Andes region of South America. In this documentar, Evo Morales, an Aymara Indian cocalero and trade union leader, travels through Bolivia in his historic 2005 bid to be elected the first indigenous president in the Americas, 500 years after the arrival of Cristopher Columbus. Cocalero documents Morales on the campaign trail, from formal fundraising dinners to mass rallies. It also shows the personal side of Morales, speaking about his life and the reasons for his entry into the political arena.
LIBERTARIAS (“Freedom Fighters”)
(Director Vincente Aranda, 125 minutes, Spain, English subtitles)
Starts 8:50 pm
An emotional film shedding light on the lives of six members of a women’s brigade in Barcelona fighting for the country’s left wing Republican government in 1936.
Centre for Socialist Education, 706 Clark Drive, Vancouver
No admission charge, but donations towards our costs are welcome. Coffee and refreshments available. Call 604-255-2041 or email
Details: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=656850401&ref=profile#/group.php?gid=8947029929
5. Silk Screening Party!
Join us for a Silk Screening Party on Saturday, October 24th, 11am, at the Centre for Socialist Education (706 Clark Dr.) The YCL has recently acquired a large amount of Silk Screening materials and plans to get together on October 24th to take our first shot at putting them to use. We plant to make several flags to be used at future rallies and protests and practice our skills for eventually making t-shirts and other items for use in our activities and for fundraising.