Monday, November 30, 2009

YCL Vancouver December events

1. YCL Dinner & Movie Night Fundraiser

Come support the ongoing work and growth of the Young Communist League!

A night of good food and good, working class, cinema. We will be showing the famous film Salt of the Earth, the true story of miners’ strike in New Mexico.

The film was banned and those involved in its production were blacklisted during the anti-Communist terror of the McCarthy period.
An inspiring story of working men and women uniting to militantly fight for a better life, Salt of the Earth, brings forward many important lessons for working people today.

We will also be showing a variety of show videos produced by the YCL.

All funds raised go towards the publication of Rebel Youth magazine and travel costs to our 25th Central Convention in May, 2010.

Saturday, December 5th, 6pm. Centre for Socialist Education, 706 Clark Dr. Tickets at the door. $25, $15 for low income.

2. YCL Vancouver meeting

Our next meeting will be on December 5th, at 1:30pm, prior to our evening fundraiser. The location will be our office in the Centre for Socialist Education, 706 Clark Dr.


Roll call
Adopt agenda

-Peace & International Solidarity
-Young Workers & Labour
- Student Movement
- Culture & Agit Prop
- Rebel Youth
- Pro-Choice demo report back
- Silk Screening report back
- Planning for tonight's fundraiser
- Any other business arising from minutes

- Review of 2009
- Discussion of 2010 (Conventions, WFYS, Low Paid Workers etc.)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Protest the Bigoted Anti-Woman, Anti-Choice Agenda!

The following is a re-print of a 2008 pro-choice statement issued by the YCL-BC. It will be used at our upcoming pro-choice demo.

Protest the Bigoted Anti-Woman, Anti-Choice Agenda!
Protect Women’s Right to Chose!
Demand Free, Safe and Public Abortion Clinics, Accessible to all Women!
Stop the Harper Conservative Anti-Choice, Anti-Sex Agenda!

Every year, around the world thousands of women are forced to undertake illegal, unsafe and unhealthy abortions due to bans imposed by the state in their given country. Many die; others suffer severe health issues as a result. Yet, science has long disproved the old arguments which attack abortion with such absurd slurs as “murder” and “genocide”. Women around the world, with their allies, are fighting for their rights; they are fighting for control over their own bodies!

Throughout Canada, abortions have been legal since 1988. Yet, today women’s right to chose are under attack! The Harper Conservative regimes reactionary social policies are anti-women, anti-sex and anti-abortion although their minority position has thus far halted the implementation of many of their policies. Through the continued privatization of health care access to abortion is become eroded, therefore violating the rights of Canadian women.

We need a free, public health care system which includes access to abortion not based on the requirement of a health care plan or payment. Women are also often harassed and intimidated by goons and bullies of the religious right at clinics and hospitals. At the same time, the youth are given inadequate information on birth control options and abortion in schools. Sex education is becoming increasingly fear driven and anti-sex. This continues to help lead to increased teenage pregnancy and violates the separation of church and state since anti-abortion arguments are based solely on religious arguments and are scientifically disproved.

All of this makes up only one component of the over all systematic degradation of the democratic rights of the youth and the people in our country being carried out under slogans of “Free Trade”, the “War on Terror” and so forth.

In contrast, socialist Cuba guarantees the right to abortion to all women as a component of its free, public, universal health care system. Under socialism, social policies are based on scientifically ascertained knowledge and the interests of the masses, not on the petty fringe interests of a hateful minority. It’s time to fight back! Oppose the corporate anti-choice, anti-sex agenda! Oust Harper! Fight for change!

The YCL Demands:
• Free and safe abortions accessible to all women, on demand and without apology
• A ban on anti-choice demonstrations at and around clinics and hospitals
• A ban on all “Crisis Pregnancy Centres” that operate in the interests of the anti-choice agenda
• Sex education including information on birth control options and abortion in schools, no to “abstinence only education”
• Complete gender equality

Vancouver Event Reminders/Updates

1. Silkscreening Party 2

Since we unfortunately had to postpone our silkscreening party this weekend we will be holding in November instead on the 14th starting at 11:00am. We are currently working on a simple, but attractive design for some flags which we will be silkscreening. These will be a great way to make the YCL visible at rallies in the future. This is our first trial run with silkscreening but we plan to do many bigger and better things, like t-shirts, once we get practiced up. Come join us, it will be a lot of fun. Wear expendable clothes as we will be dealing with ink and other materials which could stain fabric.

NOTE: The time of this event was previously 1:30pm. It is now 11:00am.

2. Take Action to Defend Women's Right to Chose!

The YCL, along with members of the Communist Party, will be taking action in defense of women's right to reproductive choice on November 13th at noon. A group of YCLers and friends dressed in medieval/feudal garb will gather at Commercial & Broadway along side the group of anti-choice demonstrators who inhabit the corner each Friday afternoon. We will be drawing attention to the absurdity of the archaic, anti-women ideas they espouse but also to the danger they pose to womens rights. It won't be the first time we have taken these people on, but the creative twist of the event is sure to get some attention. Some will be just holding signs and leafleting, so feel free to join us even if you don't have a costume.

3. YCL Study Group - Dialectical Materialism Pt. 2

This month we will complete our discussion of Dialectical Materialism, led by Paul Bjarnason of the BC Committee of the Communist Party. It will be Wednesday, November 18th, 7pm at the Centre for Socialist Education (706 Clark Dr.)

Suggested reading: Materialism and the Dialectical Method by Maurice Cornforth. If you would like a .PDF copy of this material, please e-mail

Monday, November 2, 2009

Celebrate the October Revolution

The BC Committee of the Communist Party of Canada extends an invitation to members and friends of the Young Communist League to their annual celebration of the October Revolution which led to the establishment of the worlds first socialist state, the Soviet Union. This year is the 92nd anniversary of those "ten days that shook the world."

The event will take place on Friday, November 6th, starting at 7pm. It will be held at the Chilean Housing Co-Op meeting room, 3390 School Avenue in Vancouver.

The featured guest speaker will be Miguel Figueroa, leader of the Communist Party of Canada.

This is a free event (donations welcome). Refreshments and a light meal will be available. For details, contact the BC Committee of the Communist Party at 604.254.9836.